Saturday, May 28, 2011

Old Rants

I like to believe that President Obama is aware of the way Americans are seen around the world and has tried really hard change this. I like to believe that this is what led him to make sure Osama received a proper burial and that pictures of his dead body are not being released. Unfortunately, I also believe that Osama bin Laden’s death has brought up the worst in us and has shown the world that we are the egocentric brutes everyone has suspected us to be.

First of all there is the issue of the celebrations around the nation. I am not saying it was wrong to be happy about Osama’s death, but a girl on someone’s shoulders holding a bottle of beer is not the picture of grace. A more sensible crowd would have held a minute of silence to honor the victim’s of Osama’s atrocities and reflect on the meaning of the end of Osama’s death. Furthermore, comments made by people in numerous media sources just show how ignorant and indifferent we are to the rest of the world. I have read a number of comments that refer to Osama as the deadliest criminal since Hitler. Not to belittle the monstrosity that 9/11 was, but let’s not forget about the many terrorists out there who have claimed lives of thousands citizens around the world: ETA, IRA, sendero Luminoso, FARC, The Rwandan government that lead the genocide, just to name a few. Which brings us to the next topic: for the past few weeks I have seen how so many people oppose to US military intervention in Libya, however, we expect support from the entire world in our war against terror when the terror is targeted against us. To reinforce this last point, the death of Osama Bin Laden has brought a lot of talk and remembrance about 9/11, but have we even remembered the victims of 3/11 in the Atocha station in Madrid? Or the victims of the attacks in London on july 7th, 2005.

Anyways…that was my rant of the day… See you later!

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