I was watching Fareed Zakaria GPS this weekend. He had an interesting debate on who creates jobs. The whole section itself was very interesting, but what I want to discuss right now is this:
At some point on of the guest speakers said the following “You're making a moral argument as opposed to an economic argument” (This was in response to an argument that the so called risk takers are not really taking any risks, but that is besides the point I am trying to make). Later on he said “It doesn't matter whether it's moral or not, it's what's the economic cost to get those guys to walk away, to create the next Google, the next Facebook”
I guess where I am trying to get at is that it seems like I have heard this exact same argument from a lot of my republican and libertarian friends. I have also heard this argument and read this argument from politicians, journalists and commentators. And I think this clearly helps me pinpoint what it is that I so much dislike about republicans… I believe that morality should never be a different conversation. I think morality should always be part of the equation regardless of whether you are talking about economics, health care, education or anything for that matter.
2. Election night
Today I get to vote for the first time ever! To commemorate such a historic occasion I want to write down some thoughts to immortalize this day.
Not too long ago I was asked why I would be voting for Obama. Is it because he is a democrat? Do I really know what his plan is? Am I aware that he has not accomplished a lot of his promises and flat out lied? Can I even mention anything he has done that I like? The answer to all this questions is yes.
I will vote for him because he is a democrat. I believe in their overall ideology. I consider myself lucky to have been born to parents that could give me everything I ever needed and more and thanks to them I consider that I have succeeded in life. I wish everyone had the same opportunities I did, which is why I am perfectly fine with the government lending a hand to those who want to succeed even if it means me paying some extra taxes. I am OK with a big government that will impose some regulations that will ultimately protect us as costumer and as citizens. I believe everyone should be afforded the same rights regardless of who they choose as a life partner. I find it funny that people often refer to Obama as a socialist as if it was the biggest insult and such a dirty word, however, modern socialism is not necessary Cuba and it is definitely not the Soviet Union. Some nations have managed to embrace a socialist system mixed with a free market and they happen to have the best standards of living in the world: they have the highest literacy rates, highest GDPs, best health systems.
I don’t know every detail of Obama’s plans, but I know where he stands on those things that are important to me (education, health care, environmental issues and immigration to mention a few) . I know a lot of his previous plans went unfinished, which is why I want him to have a second term. I believe he will get a better chance to get a lot more done.
I don’t think Obama is a saint. I am aware that he is a politician. As so, I believe he has been campaigning for reelection since January of 2009. This may have something to do with some of his “broken promises” or his compromises, but that is the game that has to be played which is why I think his second term could be more successful. There is no reelection agenda and he will be freer to make decisions that will anger people who support him (I think he has been dilly dallying with the XL pipeline to avoid angering some environmental groups that are against it) . That being said I also think the opposition has a lot to do with his shortcomings. Let’s be honest here, no other president has faced an opposition that has openly admitted that their only job is to make sure Obama is a one time president. Do we need examples? The debt ceiling debacle. I can’t believe how people still blame Obama for the S&P downgrade when it was the congress who hijacked the budget and it was Obama who showed some willingness to compromise. Also, let’s not forget that Obama tried on several occasions to pass a jobs bill that got filibustered by the GOP. I often hear that Obama’s presidency has lead to the greatest number of deportations, but I don’t think this has much to do with Obama, after all, he is not the one out there hunting people down for deportation. During his presidency several states have passed very strong immigration laws that probably have a lot more to do with deportation rates. Also, immigration enforcement officials have actually sued Obama over his policy to stop deportations of the dreamers showing their unwillingness to respect his orders.
So, what has Obama done that I agree with? Well, for starters his first move as president was to end the ban on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. You may not have heard about it, you may not care about it, but to me it is a big deal. For the last 4 years I have been working on embryonic stem cell research under a federally funded grant that has paid for my tuition and stipend. Obamacare is also a big one. I don’t think it is the ideal system, but I think it is a step in the right direction and I would hate to go back to the way things were. I particularly like the ban on pre-existing conditions and I am perfectly fine with the individual mandate being a tax. I was asked if I did not feel like Obama lied by stating the mandate would not e a tax, and I really don't. I think it is all a matter of semantics. There is the repeal of don’t ask don’t tell which I know was a democratically started policy. I think DADT was the right step towards progress at the time, but times have evolved and the policy needed to be repealed. There is the amnesty program for the dreamers. It is no dream act, but, once again, it is a step in the right direction. There is the end of the war in Iraq which was a senseless war to begin with. Those are the things I most agree with and care about.
Very briefly I need to mention that I don’t hate Romney. I just don’t agree with the republican ideology and I don’t really know what he stands for (not for the lack of trying). It would be hard for me to vote for someone who said “On day one, I will announce deficit-reduction measures that end the era of big government ushered in by President Obama” on his facebook page this morning. How can one be expected to vote for someone without a clear idea of their plan or their beliefs for that matter? For someone who at some point implemented a plan similar to Obamacare but then claims he would repeal Obamacare and then says he would only cut parts of it? Someone who says that his plan for immigration would be to make immigrant’s life so miserable that they would self-deport, but then says that he would staple a greencard to every diploma, but opposes to the dream act?
But that is enough about my reasons to vote for Obama or against Romney, and that being said, if Obama loses today I hope to wake up one of these days and find that Romney is the best version of himself. If he is not, I would hope to be proven wrong about many of the things I believe in. I wish he can indeed put people back to work and ensure everyone has a fair shot at a good life. I hope this partisan BS ends and both sides of the aisle learn to play nice and remember that they are there to make this country a better place for all their citizens (not just the 1%, not just 53%). I will understand that if Romney wins it is because the people spoke and that is what they wanted. I will never question the legitimacy of his presidency and while I will likely disagree with his plans I will give him the respect he deserves. Conversely I hope that if Obama wins we can end this birth certificate or college transcript debacle. I hope the GOP learns to play nice and work with him instead of trying to stop him every step of the way. I hope we all learn to stop rooting against a guy we disagree just for the satisfaction of being right, even if it is at the expense of the American people.