Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Jumping on the vaccine debate bandwagon

I am pretty tired of seeing articles pro-vaccination on my FB newsfeed. It is not that I am against vaccines...on the contrary, but I think that the important thing is to educate people and not chastise them. The way I see it, people who don;t vaccinate are either ferociously against vaccines or just not sure about them... the people who are passionately against them will never change their mind, no matter what, so we need to focus on the people who are unsure about them, because these are probably people who just have doubts and fears and will not respond to being called dumb or ignorant....

So, I decided to do some research and find out why people decide not to vaccinate. I found this:

This is my response to that

Dear Robin,

Thank you so much for posting about your decision to not vaccinate your kids. It was a very brave move, and frankly, as someone who believes in vaccines I have been trying really hard to understand why people are against them, and I am very interested to have a respectful and open-minded discussion about it.

Let me give you a little bit of background on myself. I am a research fellow at XXX with a PhD in Bionegineering from the XXX. I have worked on research in a wide range of issues including cardiovascular stents, cytomegalovirus and breast cancer cell motility but my true expertise and main research focus for the past 6 years has been pancreatic and hepatic tissue engineering…so I don’t claim to be an expert in vaccinations, but have a enough scientific training hat I consider myself capable of deciphering through the literature with relative ease and have been trained to critically an objectively read through scientific literature.

As a disclaimer, and so that you understand that I have no ulterior motives here, I will let you know that after 6 years of graduate school, I make 42K a year (The NIH standard) as a research fellow, and my goal is to eventually establish myself in academia, so I don’t foresee ever working for a pharmaceutical company, or enter industry in general.

So, going back to your article, I would like to offer a discussion of some of your concerns.
First, there is the issue of the ingredients of vaccinations. Now, I can’t really discuss each of them individually, so I would like to discuss the ingredients in the MMR vaccine, which protects against measles, which is the culprit of the current state of panic. The CDC link you posted states that the MMR vaccine contains Medium 199, Minimum Essential Medium, phosphate, recombinant human albumin, neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin, chick embryo cell culture, WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts. So, Medium 199 and Minimal Essential Medium (MEM) are common cell culture medias. They are used for the maintenance of cell cultures and contain a number of nutrients necessary for the cells to survive. All this nutrients are things that you’d commonly ingest such as vitamins, amino acids (which make up proteins) and some inorganic salts (such as just normal table salt). Once again, most, if not all of the ingredients are things that you’d ingest with most foods and are necessary for survivals of cells in culture or n the body. Phosphate is also naturally occurring and we need it for survival. It is part of the energy metabolism of all cells and many other cell functions and the body produces it…briefly, ADP is converted into ATP by addition of a phosphate group and ATP is converted to ADP by losing a phosphate group , and this constant cycling is what produced energy for cells to survive. Also, phosphate is added to glucose entering pancreatic  beta cells, and then cleaved, which results in release of insulin, which is necessary for the cells to uptake glucose and therefore survive (glucose is our main source of energy). Human albumin is a protein produced by liver and it is very important for a number of things, including detoxification. A recombinant form of the protein just means that it is made in the lab, which is good, because you know it is free of possible pathogens. Recombinant proteins are purified, so it really is just the active form of a protein that is produced in the human body. Neomycin is an antibiotic, which just protects the vaccine from getting contaminated with bacteria. sorbitol is a type of sugar that you find in corn syrup and a number of fruits. Hydrolized gelatin is derived from collagen. Basically, gelatin is denatured collagen, which is found in the skin and most tissues. Denaturation takes place by heating collagen (or altering the pH). Through denaturation, the collagen bonds break down in a process called hydrolysis, changing the structure, but not the content of the collagen. The last 2 are a little bit deceiving. They don’t actually put whole chick embryo cells or human lung cells into the vaccines, but the inactivated viruses are propagated in the cells and then extracted, but they list them because there may be some cell components in the vaccine. This is important for people with allergies…for instance, if you are allergic to eggs or poultry, since there may be some traces of chick cells in the vaccine, you may get a reaction from it. Finally, let me say that I was actually surprised at how harmless the ingredients of the MMR vaccine are.

As for the safety of the vaccines, the pharmaceutical companies do the testing required by the FDA, but in order to have long term studies you’d need to give the drug as experimental drug to a lot of volunteers and follow for a long time before approval. I have never been involved with FDA approval, but have studies the process, and believe me when I say; it is not an easy process. Long term effects may not be studied by pharmaceutical companies but they are done by researchers in academic institutions. Typically, when submitting these studies for publication, the manuscripts is reviewed by people who are considered experts in the field to make sure it was properly performed and the conclusion are well supported by the observations. Ina addition, you are required to disclose any conflicts of interests (such as affiliation to pharmaceutical companies). Failure to do so could destroy your career. An interesting fact is that Andrew Wakefield, the author of the study that linked vaccines to autism, was hired as a consultant for a pharmaceutical company designing a new line of vaccines that claimed to be better than the ones that supposedly caused autism. He failed to disclose this, on top of a deeply flawed study with a very homogeneous and statistically too small group of patients.

As for the increase in diseases including allergies and psychological disorders, there are a number of things that may contribute to it, and while there may be a correlation, causation has never been proven. I once heard someone saying that linking vaccines to autism is like linking climate change to the decrease in pirates…the correlations are practically the same (but causation has never been proved) On top of an increase of vaccines, we have seen an increase in pollution, technology, change if lifestyles…all of which could very well contribute to these. Another plausible explanation is that while the rate of diagnosis has increased, the rate of the diseases has not. For psychological diseases, guidelines for diagnosis have been created in the last 30 years, so, before these guidelines, kids often when without a diagnosis and simply labeled as trouble makers or problematic. For allergies, there are actually several interesting articles that suggest that the increase in incidence is not wide-spread in the world and changes in our behaviors have affected that. For instance, 30 years ago, nobody really avoided peanut butter, which this days is suggested to be avoided until the age of 2. When compared to other countries where peanuts are widely used in their diet and there are no recommendations against it (such as Israel) the incidence of peanut allergies is much greater here. To me, that makes sense….the reason being that babies are born without an immune system, and maturation takes a long time. Allergies are an extreme immune response to something…so if we introduce allergens at an age where the immune system is not fully developed this extreme reactions are not possible sensitizing people to the culprits so that in the future no allergic reaction is developed. Now, understand that I am not saying that we should go out and give peanuts to newborns… this is just a hypothesis and one that I have never tested…and to the best of my knowledge nobody has either… but is a hypothesis based on scientific facts.

About the pharmaceutical industry being a money making machine, I totally agree…they are evil (which is why I don’t want to go into industry), but the FDA is a government run regulatory agency, and while obviously there may be some corruption behind it, I like to think for the most part their main goal is the wellness of the population. Also, the FDA makes no money from pharmaceutical companies.

Regarding your healthy life-style, access to clean water and a strong immune system, some scientists would actually disagree with you. In order to be immune to things you need to be exposed to them….which is why kids get sick more often that adults do. Basically, the body sees microbes and doesn’t recognize them, therefore can’t fight them as fast…but if your body has seen a disease causing pathogen before it has the machinery to fight it fast (it already has the antibodies against it). This is one reason people sometimes get sick when they travel while the locals tolerate the local food, water. Don’t get me wrong…I am not saying go get aids, or hepatitits…those are deadly diseases and you should stay away from them! But, a little bit of dirt doesn’t hurt anyone!

So…with that, I am done with my rant, and all I ask is for you to give it some more thought. I would be very happy to answer any other questions you have, or at the very least, try to help you find the answers. Thanks again for being so brave as to openly admit that you chose to avoid vaccinations…I am sure there has been some hate mail, and I am sorry if that is the case.

Have a great day

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